A fellow is an established scholar with a sound record of publication or a senior person who has made substantial contributions to the development or promotion of combinatorics, the use of combinatorics, or the advancement of combinatorial education. Someone who became a fellow in the first year of operation of the ICA (1990 to 1991) is designated as a foundation fellow.
An associate fellow is a person in the beginning stages of a research career, normally at the rank of assistant professor or of junior associate professor, who has just begun to publish research work, or a person involved either in the promotion or use of combinatorics or in combinatorial education, who has not yet attained sufficient seniority to qualify as a fellow.
A graduate member is a graduate student in combinatorics or its applications. Occasionally a graduate student will have published a sufficient number of articles to be classified as an associate fellow. A student member is an undergraduate student who is interested in the field of combinatorics. A companion member is a person who, while not primarily involved in combinatorics, is interested in the area and is likely to benefit from membership from the institute.
The Council may elect to honorary fellowship any person who has made pre-eminent contributions to combinatorics or its applications. The number of living Honorary Fellows at any time shall not exceed 10. For the list of Honorary Fellows, click here.